A Fine Art Wedding Photography Experience for the Modern Couple

Shalae Byrd is a photographer based in Northwest Arkansas and Dallas specializing in capturing wedding weekends for modern couples

Fall Vineyard Wedding in Little Rock, Arkansas

October 26, 2021

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This weekend was a busy one, but oh so worth it. I flew in to Little Rock from Florida the morning of Cora and Jared’s wedding and landed with a full downpour of rain! By the time their wedding came around early afternoon, the rain subsided and gave the most gorgeous day for the bride and groom.

Cora and Jared’s story is one for the books! They met while both living in New Jersey, but shortly after, Cora got a new job in Arkansas and Jared followed. Their love is so beautiful and you could tell just how much Jared adores Cora every second of the day.

One of my favorite parts of their day was their ceremony. At the beginning of the ceremony, many family members stood and gave advice and best wishes to the couple, which set up the rest of the ceremony so beautifully. These two are football lovers and their vows even included standing by each other’s side through every loss and win, and to the Super Bowl if that happens for their teams!

Their reception was truly “Pinterest-worthy” as many guests said, and I’ve never danced so much at a reception as I did this day! With the rain gone, we were able to use every part of this gorgeous venue for pictures, including sunset portraits in the vineyard. From the beautiful plum and grey colors to the stunning venue, a look at the gallery below from their beautiful fall vineyard wedding.

See this couple’s beautiful Little Rock wedding day featured here in Wedding Chicks!

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Capturing Captivating MOMENTS & PRESERVING Modern Love Stories

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